
Greyson Chance Concert : I Missed It

yeah. and i can't really stop crying on it. or exactly, i can't drop any tears for more, as i'd been tired on crying. and of course it's no use.
and it all just because i had to be in dorm when the concert was held on JITEC Mangga Dua Square. 

so maybe it's someday, when finally i can be there on someone's concert. and someone can be you, Greyson.

honestly, what really made me crazier about this thing is that i had a chance, there's so many quizes to getting tickets, and i almost joined one of them (that was held by my favorite magazine, kaWanku). but then suddenly, it was announced by the vice principal that the brief-holiday finished on 19th of April, while the concert would be held on 20th! What The ****!

this was the file i used to send to kaWanku, but i didn't 'cause i know there would be no use then
yeah, thanks for all of my friends who tried to help me on getting the ticket.
uh, and i've got sad because of this. (watch!)

still in sad mode,

    Samy :P 



instead of finishing all those torturing tasks (umm, they're not as bad as what i said, believe me), i'm rolling in the bed, typing these and those, wondering for someone-too-far, and all that random stuffs. okay, i don't really think i will say this but i miss to being there, on my dorm, on my school. not properly there, okay. i mean, mm.. i need some scheduled things as usually i have if i was there. got it?
mm.. forget it.
i think about these stuffs :
i need the new one, Dad.. my minus-four-and-almost-two-left-and-right-eyes won't stand without it any longer

 i wanna watch this one, but my friend ask me to try 

this one. uuuhm..

aargh.. why do we have to wait for this movie so long? March 29, 2013?



Young and Act

there are so many full-talented you artist i've watched, and in every time i finished i always said to myself :"How they did it so well?". so, i think it's really okay for me to show them that i mean.

1. Saoirse Ronan

 on The Lovely Bones, Hannah, The Way, Back, Atonement

2. Dakota Fanning

on I am Sam, War of the World, Now is Good, Uptown Girl, Twilight Saga

3. Elle Fanning
on the Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Super 8, De ja vu, Phoebe in Wonderland

4. Chloe Moretz
on Hugo, Let Me In, Kick Ass, (500) Days of Summer

5. Freddie Highmore
on Finding NeverlandAugust Rush, Spiderwick, the Art of Getting By, Charlie and th Chocolate Factory

6. Asa Butterfield
on the Hugo, Boy with Striped PyjamasEnder's Game, Nanny McPhee

i don't really type all movie which they've played in, because that's so many. those title i typed mostly i've watched, and i do really recommend them for ya'.

Happy Watching!

Battle of Two Same Princess Movie


this one?
this will be very interesting. Lily Collins vs. Kristen Stewart. these two persons are obviously different, and so are their way to act on their own movie. difficult choice. that's about the princess. how about the queens? Julia Roberts vs. Charlize Theron. uhm.. complicated.
which one do ya' prefer? 



what? what will happen tomorrow, huh?
guess what? HOLIDAY!
yap, as the third graders will have UAN on 16th untuil 19th of April, the others (first and second graders) will get (short) break. i'm a big liar if i  say i'm not feelin' happy of this idea.
but, i also have a BIG reason to getting a lil' bit sad.
someone is going to go FAR during this (short) holiday. FAR. okay, honestly, it's not that far. and not that LONG. but still, i'll play Jet Lag by Simple Plan feat. Natasha Beddingfield for so many times.
Third graders! Good luck for your test!
First and Second graders! Let's rock this (short) holiday!